Grossly overweight, also called class III obesity, is a serious health condition. It causes a variety of health problems and shortens lifespan.

Healthcare providers prefer to use the terms “class 3 obesity” or “severe obesity.” This allows them to clearly communicate that people who have this level of excess weight are experiencing a serious health issue without sounding judgmental.


Compared with people of healthy weight, people who are overweight or obese have increased risks for many diseases and health problems. These include diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, certain types of cancer and more.

Obesity can be caused by several factors, including genetics. However, most obesity is the result of interactions among genes, environmental and social factors, and personal behaviors.

Inherited obesity is rare but can occur if you have a family history of excess body fat. In this case, a specific variant of a gene may be responsible for the problem.

In the majority of cases, obesity is caused by lifestyle habits such as eating too much food and not getting enough physical activity. It can also be affected by stress. Having too much body fat can also affect the health of your gut bacteria. It can make it hard for you to control your appetite and increase your risk of certain infections, such as COVID-19.


Grossly obese people have a range of health problems. They are more likely to have high blood pressure (hypertension), which increases their risk of strokes and heart disease. They are also more prone to developing insulin resistance, which leads to diabetes.

Obesity can also lead to a variety of other health conditions, including depression, infertility and urinary stress incontinence. In addition, obesity can wreak havoc on the human body’s immune system and hormones.

The biggest symptom of obesity is often related to its effects on the brain, such as difficulty performing tasks, irritability and depression. In some cases, obesity may even cause sleep disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea.

Read on to find out more about the symptoms of grossly obese. Hopefully, this information will help you make informed decisions about your own health. And remember, weight loss can be an effective treatment for many of these symptoms.

Medications, diet changes and regular exercise can all contribute to a healthier, slimmer you.


Having a high amount of body fat puts you at risk for health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, sleep apnea, arthritis, and certain types of cancer. Your healthcare provider can offer treatment options to help you lose weight and stay healthy.

Intensive behavioral therapy is a treatment for obesity that may help you develop better eating and exercise habits. It helps you make small, realistic changes that are easier to maintain over time.

Your behavioral therapist can also screen you for depression and other mental health problems, which are common among people who are obese. These conditions can lead to self-image issues and a lack of confidence.

Obesity can also put you at risk for pregnancy complications, including gestational diabetes and preeclampsia (high blood pressure that can harm your baby). Overweight and obese women who become pregnant are more likely to give birth to babies born too soon or with health problems. They also tend to have difficulty conceiving and may experience infertility.

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