Manav Sevak is the Co-Founder & CEO of Memora Health, a company that helps healthcare organizations digitize & automate care programs to simplify care delivery for patients & clinicians. He founded Memora in 2017 and has since partnered with over 50 organizations across life science companies, health systems, and healthcare plans.

Founder & CEO

Manav Sevak is the co-founder & CEO of Memora Health, a company that helps healthcare organizations digitize and automate complex care workflows. Their mission is to make complex healthcare journeys simple for patients & clinicians.

Initially, they approached the problem of medication adherence as their first product, which was a huge wakeup call to them about how complex healthcare journeys really look and how difficult it is to change behaviors that are incredibly important in achieving patient outcomes.

After launching the product, the team spent a lot of time talking with clinicians and learning about their pain points in terms of workflow tooling and their challenges navigating the healthcare ecosystem.

From there, they began to focus on academic medical centers and research, which gave them a much better understanding of the scale and complexity of the need for this type of solution. This helped them pivot and move Memora to a full-time company. They continue to work with large healthcare systems and stay very true to their thesis that this is a very important area for them to be focusing on and they see a lot of opportunity downstream, even in terms of other revenue models.

Co-Founder & CTO

Manav Sevak is the co-founder & CEO of Memora Health, a company that helps healthcare systems digitize & automate care programs. He and his two co-founders, Kunaal Naik & Nisarg Patel, founded Memora in 2017 after witnessing a close friend struggling with a complex medication regimen while he was in college.

When they started, the goal was to help people remember their medications, but it has evolved into helping care teams across a variety of healthcare systems streamline care delivery for complex patients.

They have over 50 partners, from life science companies to health systems, and they target highly complex populations like cancer, bariatric surgery, endocrinology, and pulmonology. Their product is designed to support these populations through episodes of care, and the company believes that if they can continue to focus on that segment, they will be able to open up revenue opportunities in a number of different areas downstream.

Advisory Board Member

Manav Sevak, co-founder & CEO of Memora Health, is an expert in clinical workflow automation. His company aims to help healthcare systems automate and digitize their care programs in order to simplify and improve care delivery for patients and clinicians.

His company’s product serves highly complex populations, from cancer patients to patients just coming out of surgery. He believes that they’re heading towards being the care support platform of the future.

As a member of an advisory board, you help companies stay up to date with industry trends and new purchasing behaviors. This could mean enhancing their customer service or retooling their products. You also provide strategic advice that helps businesses reach their goals.


Manav is a self-professed nerd and has an impressive amount of industry experience under his belt. He is also a well-read bookworm, and has a keen eye for the best deals out there. Besides, he has an uncanny ability to make others feel special and secure. The result is a highly curated network of top notch professionals that is as diverse as the company it represents. The magic is that it is all wrapped up in one convenient package. The result is a winning combination of quality and efficiency for both parties. It is this combination of factors that landed him on the shortlist for our most recent round of interviews. To date, he has made more than 200 new contacts and is still going strong.

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